Muslim American Community Center of Lexington Massachusetts

Muslim American Community Center of Lexington Massachusetts

Fundraising to Buy Masjid

Organized By:Muslim American Community Center of Lexington Massachusetts


6% of $300,000 goal


0Recurring Contributors


0Recurring Pledgers

$16,983 of $300,000

Purchase 166 Spring St, Lexington

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

With the grace of Allah (SWT), the MACCLM Board is pleased to announce that we have secured our new masjid  location at 166 Spring St, Lexington MA for $1.31 million. The closing is scheduled to take place on the blessed day of Eid-ul-Adha, immediately following the Eid prayer. MACCLM needs your help more than ever. We trust in the generosity and support of our community members as well as all the Muslim Ummahs in the world to help us out.

MACCLM’s current financial status is as follows:

$ 800,000 - Current Bank Funds

$ 250,000 - Additional Commitments

$1,050,000 - Total Available.

$1,350,000 - Total needed in cash to purchase the property.

We urgently need $300,000 in cash by June 16th to purchase the property. Please donate or loan funds (Qard-e-Hasan) to MACCLM to complete the purchase.

May Allah (SWT) bless our efforts and guide us on the right path.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan.

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